4 ways to improve your WooCommerce product pages

Want to sell more from your WooCommerce shop? Here are four ways to improve your product pages.

1. Write a good product description

When you’re selling online, you are relying on your product description to do the selling for you, so a good description of your product is crucial. Make sure it is…


Google doesn’t like duplicate content, so it is important for search engine optimisation to write a unique description, especially if you sell the same product as another online shop.


Ensure you include everything people need to know to feel confident buying your product, including materials, dimensions and features. You should also answer any common questions you know people have about the product.

Easy to read

Most people will scan read your product description, so break up your text with bullet points and pick out key points in bold.

2. Include images and videos

Images help bring your product to life for potential customers. Try and include a variety of shots – wide angle, detailed and lifestyle images – so that prospective purchasers have a really clear idea of what will arrive. Video can also be useful for providing additional detail for some products, such as clothing or items with technical features that need to be explained. 

As well as aiding purchase decisions, better images can help reduce the likelihood of returns, as people will know exactly what they’re getting.

3. Be clear about delivery and returns

Put your delivery and returns information on your product page, or at least a link to it. In order to make a decision about a purchase, people normally need to know how much delivery will cost, when it will arrive and if they’ll need to be in to accept delivery.

Returns information also needs to be clear, people will be looking for information on:

  • if items can be returned if they aren’t suitable,
  • how long they have to return an item,
  • and if they will need to pay return postage.

4. Build trust with reviews

If someone has never been on your website before, you’ll need to reassure them they can trust you. Including customer reviews on your product pages can help provide reassurance that you will deliver your promises.

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