Amy joined Cognique in 2021 adding more expertise to our growing marketing team. Bringing her skills from two previous digital marketing roles, Amy helps clients get the most out of their marketing strategy and achieve their business goals. Almost a year on from her first day, we find out more about Amy and the part she plays in taking Cognique to the next level.
What’s your role at Cognique?
I’m the Digital Marketing Executive, a role which involves a lot of different elements – my specialisms include SEO and PPC. I’ve always worked for fairly small companies, which often means you end up doing a bit of everything – content, social media, all sorts. My career started out working in graphic and web design, but the analytical aspect of digital marketing drew me towards that side of the business instead.
What interested you in Cognique and working in Digital Marketing?
I was aware of Cognique before I joined them, and thought it looked like a fun place to work. I’ve never worked somewhere where everyone’s just friends, rather than a family-run business. I did some research into the role, thought it looked great – and I’ve never been happier.
Although I started out in graphic design – something that I used to really enjoy – I quickly realised that it’s quite competitive in terms of job prospects. There’s a lot of people competing for not a lot of roles, and you’re up against the best of the best. Whereas digital marketing is more specialist, and the data driven aspect of the role really appeals to me. People can debate and discuss the merits of a website design, but data and numbers don’t lie.
What does a typical working week look like for you?
My working week is always a varied one: in fact, you could say there is no ‘typical’ working week for me. I think this has been one of the best things about moving into working for an agency. We have lots of different clients, with lots of different needs. One day I might be writing meta data for one client, the next I might be planning a content marketing strategy for another, or managing paid advertising campaigns on Google ads. It’s fair to say I’m never bored!
What kind of projects do you enjoy working on?
Clients are always passionate about what they do, so often know exactly what they want from their marketing. I like working with a client’s business goals in mind, as it helps me pave a clear pathway for any marketing strategy and steer it in a certain direction.
It’s also very exciting when we cover all areas of marketing for a client: the more we can do for them, the more we can help them get results. I thoroughly enjoy working on projects where I can work collaboratively with Kim and Hannah. My research feeds into the overall strategy, which then filters into content writing, PPC, email marketing and social media campaigns etc. I find this work incredibly engaging and it always leads to exciting outcomes.
What’s the most satisfying thing about your job?
Seeing results! My role is very data driven, which is great because it’s easy to show clients that what we do for them really does work. There’s enormous satisfaction in seeing the traffic for a website go up, or when a site starts ranking highly for the search terms that we want it to. It’s often a gradual process of analysing the data and figuring out what needs to be done – but once we’ve got it right, the proof is in the results.
What do you get up to outside of work?
When I’m not working, I like to relax and try to get some headspace. The gym is good for the mind and the body, so you can often find me there. I’ve got a good eye for anything animal print, whether that’s in the form of dresses, plant pots or even water bottles. I also love binging a true crime series and spending time with family and friends.